Playas Escondidas


It’s all about community in harmony with ecology

A Scientific Ecological Research Facility (SERF) will anchor the partnership efforts with the Costa Rican Ministerio de Ambiente y Energia (MINAET) and provide MINAET officials additional access to patrol the beach and guard against turtle egg poachers. Access to Playa Nosara is currently only available by traveling south along Playa Ostional which is over two miles to the north.

Sections throughout the community will be dedicated ecological preserves administered by the homeowners association to promote continued study of Loggerhead and Olive Ridley turtles, mangroves, estuaries and over 270 species of birds. A MINAET officer will be stationed at the research facility and the modest salary will be supported by the contributions of the homeowners association.

Three extensive boardwalks, approved by MINAET, will be constructed with careful consideration to environmental and ecological impact. These master planned boardwalks will provide residents access from the community to the beach areas adjacent to the development. The natural mangrove barrier provides an amazing opportunity to view nature and local wildlife up close and personal. 

Boardwalk 1     Boardwalks,similar to the ones depicted in the photographs on this page, will be 12 feet wide at their narrowest points and, in addition to providing access to Playa Nosara, will provide areas for lounging, bird watching and mangrove reasearch.


boardwalk2  boardwalk4 boardwalk5 boardwalk3





  • Interactive Map

    Interactive Map

    Click here to view our interactive map with detailed information on all phases of Playas Escondidas Nosara

  • Explore Paradise

    Explore Paradise

    Click here to visit our extensive photo gallery of the property and surrounding areas, wildlife, and vegetation.